1 Million + Community Members
Born from the need to cultivate inspiration within our community, Lifestyle Miami was created by a team of dedicated individuals determined to leave their mark on the 305.
There was a time where our people needed a voice. Over the years, Lifestyle Miami became that voice.
We currently use our platform to showcase everything from the people and the beautiful weather, to all the hidden creative talent that you can find in every alleyway, restaurant, and skyscraper.
We know better than anyone that there’s more than one kind of story to tell about this city.
We tell stories that capture the unwavering determination of the human spirit, stories that can make anyone laugh even on the bad days, and stories that make you proud to call Miami home.
When things are looking down, our community looks to us. We have found the strength to answer the call of our community through our supporters, the love of the culture, and the kindness of strangers.
After all, Miami isn’t just a city, it’s a lifestyle.

Lifestyle Miami: What Began as a Hobby, but Has Now Become a Thriving Community
Lifestyle Miami: What Began as a Hobby, but Has Now Become a Thriving Community
VIEW‘Lifestyle Miami’ Lists the Top 5 Things to Do When in Miami
Charity Events, Beach Cleanups, Toy Drives: Lifestyle Miami is Bringing the Community Closer
Charity Events, Beach Cleanups, Toy Drives: Lifestyle Miami is Bringing the Community Closer
This community page brings the Miami vibe alive one post at a time
Meet the man behind miami´s top community
1 Million & Counting
Covid-19 Can't Dampen the Miami Spirit
Lifestyle Miami Gearing Up Bahamas Relief
Lifestyle Miami Gearing Up Bahamas Relief